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DIY & Sedal: High Bun Updo

The clue is to twist the ponytail these way it’s easier to do the bun.

La clave esta en torcer bien la cola de caballo, de esta forma es más fácil hacer el chongo. 

 I use bobby pins to secure loose ends and hair.

Me gusta usar pasadores para detener los pelitos pequeños y las puntas sueltas. 

It's important to hairspray all the flyaways to, but I do like a ¨natural look¨so I try no to abuse. 

Es importante poner spray para sujetar los pelitos sueltos, sin embargo a mi me gusta que se vea natural así que trato de no abusar. 


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9 comentarios:

  1. That looks amazing <3 so cool

    Alexa <3

  2. I wish i would do this undo :( but my hair is too long and the final result would not look that cute!
    You have a lovely blog :)
    Already following you! Follow back?

    1. Hi Aimee!
      My hair is also very long... you should try to do the bun with a really high works for me.
      Have a great week!

  3. Love this tutorial, have to try this <3 Would you like to follow each other? It would be great to keep in touch ;)

    Kisses ;*


[name=Gina Ortega] [img=] [description=Fashion junkie, shoe addict, art lover. Fashion Stylist & Founder of High On Fashion®]

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