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DIY & Sedal: Braids With A Twist

It's important to pin the braids as you twist them.
Es importante asegurar las trenzas con pasadores con forme las van torciendo y acomodando.

If you want to achieve a retro look you can comb the curls.
Si quieren un aspecto un tanto retro pueden usar un peine sobre los chinos. 


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7 comentarios:

  1. Loved it!!!, se ve sencillo, a ver qué tal me sale, amo las trenzas!

  2. your hair is sooo gorgeous! i always get jealous whenever i check out these diy post! can you do mine? haha! great post as always

    Alexa <3

    1. Thank you Alexa

      I hope you find it useful, of course I can make yours :)


  3. Where do you work? I love everything you do - andrea


[name=Gina Ortega] [img=] [description=Fashion junkie, shoe addict, art lover. Fashion Stylist & Founder of High On Fashion®]

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