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Fashion Styling: Audi Magazine No. 10

I wanted to share with you some of the pictures from an editorial I styled for Audi Magazine and that was published last month. I had the honor to work with the talented mexican photographer Enrique Covarrubias. I was really pleased with the final result, of course the inspiration was about an idea I love: the mixture of textures and prints, you know I’m fascinated by that ‘subject’ .... I believe this is one of my favorite works so far, do you like it?

Have a great weekend!

With love,


Les comparto algunas fotos de la editorial que se publicó el mes pasado en la Revista Audi, tuve el privilegio de trabajar con el reconocido fotógrafo Enrique Covarrubias, siempre es un gusto trabajar con él. Me encantó el resultado final, obvio la inspiración es de mis consentidas: texturas y estampados y por ello creo que es uno de mis trabajos favoritos hasta ahora ¿Les gusta? 

¡Bonito fin de semana!

Con cariño,


Photo: Enrique Covarrubias
Fashion Styling: Gina Ortega 
Production: Norma Rodriguez 

Hair: Eric Faury
Makeup: Daniel Lezama

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[name=Gina Ortega] [img=] [description=Fashion junkie, shoe addict, art lover. Fashion Stylist & Founder of High On Fashion®]

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